Kay's Blog

Follow Up: This Terrible "Club"

Follow up to This Terrible "Club":


I am stunned by the sheer number of you who have written to share your experience with losing a loved one to suicide. I had no idea. It feels like from every corner of the world you have painfully raised your hands and said, "I'm a member of that club."


Oh, dear ones - my heart aches for you all. How I long to be able to hug each one of you and mingle our tears together. I'm so grateful that God has collected our tears in a bottle (it's a big one) and weeps with us that our loved ones were torn away from us much too soon. Many of you say the pain is as fresh today as it was when it happened.


Let's keep remembering others in the club tonight, and ask the Spirit of God to bind the enemy from perpetuating this spirit of despair and hopelessness in the lives of the generations coming behind us... and to loosen the Angel Armies to fight on behalf of those who even now are sitting in the darkness debating whether they can make it one more day. Let's join in prayer together to ask the Redeemer God to help us find treasure in the darkness of our sorrow - to discover the riches hidden in secret places so that we can know He is the Lord, God of Israel, the one who calls us by name (Isaiah 45:3)

Posted by Kay Warren with