Kay's Blog

24 Hours of Hope | World Mental Health Day

Today, October 10, is World Mental Health Day. This is a day to pause and seriously reflect on the more than 400 million people worldwide living with a mental illness. It’s a day to question the current state of mental health treatment – what’s working and what isn’t. It’s a time to raise our voices to advocate for more money for research. This is the day to end the stigma surrounding mental illness – to declare that having a mental illness is not a cause for shame or embarrassment. It’s a moment to wonder how YOU can become a more compassionate friend to someone you know who is suffering in quiet ways.


Most of all, it’s the time for those of us who claim to be Christ-followers to live out our faith – to create churches that practice radical hospitality by welcoming in the broken, the wounded, the weary, the physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally ill brothers and sisters. It’s a day to offer hope! Hope that there is effective help, hope that life can be different, hope that God’s plan for our lives is GOOD.


Join us today for 24 Hours of Hope at www.mentalhealthandthechurch. Share this with everyone – somebody you know desperately needs hope today!

Posted by Kay Warren with