When Rob and Julie Jacobs decided they wanted to adopt a child in 2009, it seemed as if doors were being closed in every direction. They were told that they could not adopt from China, and their ages disqualified them from adopting from several countries. Defeated and discouraged, a year later, the couple shelved their pursuit. Just when things seemed hopeless, God used a weekend message from Pastor Rick to speak directly to their hearts and inspire them to step out in faith and not give up on their dream.
Shortly after re-entering the adoption process, Julie flew to Indiana over Labor Day weekend to visit her cousin who had recently adopted a child from China. “The instant I met her son, Isaac, I was in love,” Julie recalls. Alone in her cousin’s guest room on September 6, 2010, Julie wept as she told God that she wanted him to guide her path in the adoption process and that her heart would be waiting for any child he would give her.
The wait was long, but seven months later, Rob and Julie received the email they had been waiting for — they had been matched to a beautiful 8-month-old baby boy in Korea. The email included six photos and a general description of their son. “It was truly love at first sight! The second we saw him, we knew God picked him out just for us,” Julie says. Those feelings were even more confirmed when they saw his birthday: September 6, 2010 — the exact day Julie surrendered her search to God and asked him to guide her path.
After a brief transitional period, the family quickly settled in to their new life together. Robert spoke his first English word less than a week after coming home from Korea, and within a month, he could understand everything they said to him.
Today, Rob and Julie enjoy every moment with 4.5-year-old Robert. His happy, funny, outgoing personality captivates everyone he meets. And although he may be little, he doesn’t let anything get in the way of his passion for nature. At the age of three, he hiked in Zion and Bryce Canyon National Parks. Back closer to home, you’ll find him riding his two-wheel bike, spending time at the beach, playing basketball with his daddy, and eating sushi with his mommy. Every night at bedtime, Rob and Julie ask him who they should pray for. And every night, he says, “We should pray for our entire family — Mommy, Daddy, and Robert.”
Through the setbacks, doubts, and disappointments, Rob and Julie are thankful that they did not give up on their dream, but instead, stepped out in faith and trusted God to bring them the perfect child for their family.