Downcast: Biblical and Medical Hope for Depression
What is depression really? A psychological disorder? An emotional problem? A spiritual weakness? A medical condition? People struggling with depression are often given simplistic answers, which can lead to fear of seeking help, and even a sense that they have personally failed in some way.
With compassion developed from their personal and clinical experience as psychiatrists, the authors tackle the complexities of depression from a multi-disciplinary approach. In this thoughtful and practical guide, they weave together Scripture with science, theology with cutting edge scientific research, and the stories of many Christians who have suffered, to help those with depression to find healing.
For Christians, hope for depression lies in a deep understanding of both what it means to inhabit broken bodies in a fallen world, and the hope we have in the gospel. By fully grasping the implications of both for our bodies, minds, and souls, can we learn what it means to walk by faith even through the dark valley of depression.