Companionship Series: Putting Faith in Mental Health Recovery
Most faith communities remain somewhat oblivious to the needs of people experiencing mental illnesses. Mental illness is not discussed much and individuals and families who cope with mental health challenges often do not share them in the faith community context, because they fear the misunderstanding and even blame they might receive in response. By receiving training in the different types of mental illnesses, by training ushers and other faith community members in how to help people who might behave differently in the faith community context, some congregations have developed effective means of tolerating or absorbing people with mental illnesses. These are noteworthy efforts and they often represent important first steps in avoiding the implicit or explicit rejection of people with mental illnesses that are often inherent in any community.
The Companionship Series consists of three booklets that guide faith communities in developing caring responses to individuals and families coping with the challenges posed by mental illness.